• Dinh Van Ban Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Le Van Thoai Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Metal inert gas welding (MIG); weld size; Taguchi’s method; orthogonal array; Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)


In fusion welding process, welded size greatly affects weld quality. The welded size is influenced by many factor during welding process; however it is significantly determined by welding parameters.
Therefore, determination of appropriate welding parameters for each weld joint plays an important rule for ensuring shape and size of weld. Moreover, it is especially meaningful for forming the weld which its
parent material has high castability. Taguchi method combined Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to estimate optimized MIG parameters for assurance of the weld size and satisfaction of quality requirements of the welding joint


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WELDING PARAMETERS–DAIHEN CORPRATION WELDING PRODUCTS DIVISION– 5.1 Minamisenroka settsu, Osaka 566, Japan. Tel: (06) 381-7041 Faes:(06)319-2562,Telex: 523-4222 DAIHENS



How to Cite
Dinh Van Ban, & Le Van Thoai. (2018). OPTIMIZING PARAMETERS FOR ENSURING ALUMINUM WELD SIZE OF MIG WELDING BY USING TAGUCHI METHOD. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 18, 8-14. Retrieved from http://jst.utehy.edu.vn/index.php/jst/article/view/102