• Nguyen Quoc Trung Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Pham Ngoc Thang Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Chaotic, CPPM, UWB, Modulation


Chaotic phenomena have been known since the late 19th century but have only really received a strong research interest by the scientific community in recent years with a series of publications in which the field electronics and communications. Over the past two decades, research applications in this field have been dominated by three main directions: security, application in spread spectrum information and digital modulation/demodulation. This paper presents the design solution for simulating the number of application-specific pulses/pulse-position modulation emulation modulators used in multi-directional application in Ultra Wide Band communications. Simulation results will show improvement of the bit error
rate over the interference channel, improving the security and feasibility of the solution.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Quoc Trung, & Pham Ngoc Thang. (2018). DESIGN DEMONSTRATION M-ary CHAOTIC PULSE POSITION MODULATOR AND DEMODULATOR. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 17, 50-56. Retrieved from