Evaluation of charcoal floatability at Darkov mine, Czech Republic and comparison with liquid collectors Montanol 800, Flotakol NX, and distilled oil KODP1 from wood-chip pyrolysis

  • Pham Duc Tien University of natural resources and the environment
Keywords: floatability, pyrolysis oil


This article described the efficiency evaluation of charcoal floatability by distilled oil KODP 1 from wood-chip pyrolysis at Darkov mine, Czech Republic. Additionally, we compared the liquid collectors Montanol 800 and Flotakol NX which have been commonly used in Eastern Europe countries


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How to Cite
Pham Duc Tien. (2016). Evaluation of charcoal floatability at Darkov mine, Czech Republic and comparison with liquid collectors Montanol 800, Flotakol NX, and distilled oil KODP1 from wood-chip pyrolysis. UTEHY Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 11, 88-91. Retrieved from http://jst.utehy.edu.vn/index.php/jst/article/view/262