• Pham Van Quyen Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Ngo Chi Trung Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Garment fit, D-tex, 3-D Design, 3-D Simulation


The garment fit is one of the most important factors that determine the quality and functionality of the clothes. In recent years, evaluation of garment fit of clothes, mainly through a 2-D dimension assessment, subjective reviews of experts and wearer. In this paper, the authors describe the evaluation of the fit of the shirt through the distance between the surface of the human body skin and the inner side of the shirt (D-tex parameter). This is an important specification for the process of 3-dimensional clothing design. The results of assessing the fit of the shirt through D-tex and 3D simulation are presented in the paper. The fit of the shirt is also evaluated through the reviews of expert and the wearer.


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How to Cite
Pham Van Quyen, & Ngo Chi Trung. (2022). STUDY ON EVALUATION OF SHIRT FIT THROUGH D-TEX SPECIFICATION. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 31, 21-27. Retrieved from