• Vu Duc Phuc Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Do Huy Tung Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sao Do University
  • Pham Van Lieu Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Economics – Technology for Industries
Keywords: Damped primary system, Equivalent linearization approach, multiple dynamic vibration absorbers, weighted dual criterion


The multiple dynamic vibration absorbers systems (MDVA) are widely used to control harmful vibration of the damped system under harmonic excitation. The MDVA have more benefit than the single DVA such as portability and easy to install. This paper using equivalent linearization approach based on weighted dual criterion to obtain explicit formulas of optimal parameters of MDVA for damped primary systems. The numerical studies reveal accuracy of the equivalent linearization approach and optimal formula of MDVA in control vibration of damped primary system.


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How to Cite
Vu Duc Phuc, Do Huy Tung, & Pham Van Lieu. (2021). AN EQUIVALENT LINEARIZATION APPROACH TO THE DESIGN OF MULTIPLE DYNAMIC VIBRATION ABSORBERS BASED ON WEIGHTED DUAL CRITERION. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 32, 7-12. Retrieved from