• Trinh Xuan Yen Department of Basic Sciences, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Banach space, evolution family, unstable manifold


We prove the existence of an invariant center-unstable manifold of  -class for solutions to the partial functional delay differential equation of the form
u'(t) = A(t)u(t) + f(t, ut), t∈R
when its linear part, the family operators (A(t))t ∈R, generates the evolution family (U(t,s))t ≥ s having an exponential dichotomy or trichotomy on the R and the nonlinear forcing delay term f satisfies the KHCB-Yen.JPG-Lipschitz condition, i.e., ‖f(t,ut) − f(t,vt)‖CKHCB-Yen.JPG ‖ut − vtKHCB-Yen2.JPG where ut, vt∈KHCB-Yen2.JPG:= C([−r,0],X), and KHCB-Yen.JPG belongs to an admissible function space on R. Our main methods invoke Lyapunov-Perron methods and use admissible function sapces.


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How to Cite
Trinh Xuan Yen. (2022). INVARIANT CENTER - UNSTABLE MANIFOLDS FOR PARTIAL FUNCTIONAL DELAY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. UTEHY Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 35, 84-89. Retrieved from