• Trung Tran Duc Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Tuan Dao Anh Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Huong Chu Dieu Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Keywords: winding, winding technology, quality of winding yarn


This paper presents the research results of the change of some yarn quality characteristics after winding compared to before winding. Winding is performed on a winding model at a speed of 1200 m/min, quality characteristics of the yarn before and after winding were determined by Uster Tester 5 including: Unevenness U%, coefficient of variation CV%, Imperfactions Index IPI and hairiness H of the yarn.

The research results showed that both types of yarns: carded Ne 31/1CVCD and combed Ne 30/1 CVCM after winding have reduced quality compared to before winding. Notably, the hairiness of the yarn after winding has increased sharply: 34.76 % (with carded yarn) and 34.95 % (with combed yarn) compared to before winding. The obtained research results contribute to the orientation of effective use of the two types of yarns mentioned in the following stages of winding.


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How to Cite
Trung Tran Duc, Tuan Dao Anh, & Huong Chu Dieu. (2023). STUDY ON THE CHANGE OF SOME YARN QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS AFTER WINDING. UTEHY Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 37, 97-102. Retrieved from