• Dang Van Anh Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Nguyen Thu Hoai Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Nguyen Gia Ba Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Dao Manh Linh Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Vi Hoai Nam Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Keywords: Smart Healthcare, Internet of Things, Internet of Medical Things, Edge Computing


The robust development of smart medical applications and the powerful connectivity of next-generation mobile networks posed significant challenges concerning data accessibility, security, privacy, and e-health data collection for the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) applications. This work offers a comprehensive vision of the stage-of-the-art IoMT applications on aspects of architecture, applications, and processing challenges of large-scale medical data. Then, we highlight the advantages of fusing edge computing into IoMT applications. Finally, we discuss ongoing issues, challenges, and feasible study directions for future smart IoMT applications.


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How to Cite
Dang Van Anh, Nguyen Thu Hoai, Nguyen Gia Ba, Dao Manh Linh, & Vi Hoai Nam. (2024). A REVIEW OF INTERNET OF SMART INTERNET OF MEDICAL THINGS APPLICATIONS. UTEHY Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 42, 38-44. Retrieved from https://jst.utehy.edu.vn/index.php/jst/article/view/690