• Pham Ngoc Mai Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngọc Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Movements limitation of the human body, design residue, basic block of shirt


The article presents the results of surveying the movement limitation of medium sized women’s upper body with 152 ÷ 156 cm standing height and 82 ÷ 86 cm chest circumference. From the results of determining the absolute and relative increase in movement of the 29 upper body measurements compared with the standard standing posture, the minimum design residual of the basic block of shirt is proposed. The results of wearing this basic block on 5 female bodies representing the size group show that this basic block has a good fit and comfort.


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How to Cite
Pham Ngoc Mai, & Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngọc. (2022). EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON THE MOVEMENT LIMITATION OF WOMEN’S UPPER BODY AND APPLICATION TO DESIGN BASIC BLOCK PATTERN OF SHIRT. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 31, 104-110. Retrieved from http://jst.utehy.edu.vn/index.php/jst/article/view/485